Awaiting Dream #2

Awaiting Dream #2

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Completing the Decade

I am inspired to sit down and write out the accomplishments of the decade.  When I read this article it reminded me to be more conscious about recognizing the passage of time.  While the article itself wasn't incredible, it came at the right time and is a reminder in all ways that I need to be writing as my vehicle to rediscovering my talents, creativity and problem-solving skills.  This message is being delivered in so many ways lately; the recent Ode Magazine has two or three articles dedicated to the healing nature of writing as a practice.  Perhaps that is why there are so many bloggers, such fascination with Twitter and Facebook - it is the practice of writing our daily experience as a way to observe and be present in it ourselves.

All I know is that the message has resonated completely with me and I am adopting it as a part of my day...even if it is just jotting something down that happened in the day.  I don't want my boys to grow up completely and not capture some of the funny, exhausting, innocent or amazing things that they do.  I have thus purchased two spiral notebooks, one for each son, and keep little notes about their lives as we go.

As I reflect upon the last decade, it amazes me to remember that I actually started the decade living abroad.  First in Vienna then Bangkok then Dubai.  Not a bad start to a great ten years!!!  The other experiences that mark the keystone pieces to the decade were, in order:
*  the re-connection and re-dissolution of my relationship with my college boyfriend. 
*  The deliciously rewarding and satisfying job as Director of the Pinnacle Scholarship Program at Outward Bound. 
*  The luxury of a year of seeing a therapist who helped me return to my body through dance and yoga, as well as....writing as a way of observing my life! 
*  Through the latter practice I was able to recognize the romantic connection with my good friend, now husband.  Of course this then led to a great wedding, an amazing life partner and baby daddy!  Fun traveling around the world with this man!

* Selling our Richmond house just in the nick of time and getting a great place in Petaluma.
*  In and out of two jobs post-Outward Bound led me to attend Presidio Graduate School for an MBA in Sustainable Business.  Great friends, great experience.
*  My first son had better timing than me as he waited to arrive until I began and completed grad school.  He arrived 2 months after I graduated.  JOY!
*  The ever expanding and deepening community in Petaluma - for us and for our children.
*  The birth of my second healthy son.

Seriously, what more can anyone ask for?  Ok, one can always ask for more.  But all of the core pieces of my life are strong, healthy, satisfying and blossoming even more.  I am beyond grateful for the life I have.

In the next decade I call forth the following - this or something better!

*  Ongoing health for me and my family - a healthy, strong back especially!
*  Continued bountiful employment for Dan
*  An ability to be even more present, calm, fun and loving with my kids and husband
*  Developing closer friendships and getting beyond mom-hood as the only connection.
*  Generating great energy, flow and intention towards creating something good in our community.  This project will help broaden my community, fun, purpose and contentedness....just need to find my thing.
*  Practicing more moments of calm in each day.
*  Making more of an effort in my friend's lives.

I'm sure I'll think of more but I'm signing off for now...